International Spring School in
Multiscale Problems
Heidelberg, Germany

Organizers: European Community: 'Human Potential Research Training Network : Homogenization And Multiple Scales' (HMS2000)
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft: International Graduiertenkolleg Heidelberg/Warsaw 'Complex Processes : Modelling, Simulation and Optimization'

Local Organizers:Prof. Willi Jäger
Elfriede Friedmann

Teachers: Prof. Dr. Folkmar Bornemann from the University of Technology Munich
Prof. Dr. Andro Mikelic from Laboratoire d'Analyse Numerique Universite Lyon I
Prof. Dr. Andrey Piatnitski from the P.N. Lebedev Institute Moskau

Location: The school will take place in the International Scientific Forum
of the University of Heidelberg, situated in the beautiful historic centre of the town (Hauptstrasse 242)

Schedule:The school will start on Wednesday, April 24 at 9.00 am and end on Saturday,
April 27 in the early afternoon. (Schedule)

Registration: Please register under

!!! Deadline !!! March 22, 2002
Financial Support: Limited funding for local support is available for participants of the member states (France, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland and Romania) and the International Graduiertenkolleg Heidelberg/Warsaw

Accommodation: There are 7 double and 3 single apartments available from 23rd - 28th April.
If they are booked up, please book from the following list of
hotels or youth hostels in Heidelberg.

The City of Heidelberg || University of Heidelberg || The Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR)

Last modified: 13 February 2002 - Somporn Chuai-Aree