Free and Moving Boundary Models
for Root Growth, Nutrient Uptake
and other Applications

June, 2003
Heidelberg, Germany

Organizers: International Graduiertenkolleg Heidelberg 'Complex Processes : Modelling, Simulation and Optimization'

Local Organizers:Prof. Willi Jäger
Prof. Hans Georg Bock
Somporn Chuai-Aree (Meng)
Ria Lynott

Teachers: Prof. Juan Carlos Reginato from Chemical-Physics Department, Sciences Faculty, National University of Río Cuarto, Argentina.

Location: The course will take place in the INF 368, IWR.

Schedule:The course will be held in the following link.
(Course schedule)

Documents: download all the papers

International Graduiertenkolleg || The Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR) || University of Heidelberg

Last modified: 01 July 2003 - Somporn Chuai-Aree