Seminar of IGK Wintersemester 2009
Date |
Speaker & Title |
14.10.09 |
Baerbel Janssen, Finite Element Methods for Hydrodynamics in Lakes IWR. INF 368, Room 432, at 4:30 pm. |
21.10.09 |
Alexandr Gorski, Development of 2D numerical dynamic dipole-dipole coupling models based on density functional theory calculations for quantitative IR-VIS sum-frequency generation vibrational spectra analysis IWR. INF 368, Room 432, at 4:30 pm. |
28.10.09 |
Benoit Knecht, A Physical Model for Constrained DNA IWR. INF 368, Room 432, at 4:30 pm. |
04.11.09 |
Jan Hering, GPU Accelerated Data Processing IWR. INF 368, Room 432, at 4:30 pm. |
11.11.09 |
, IWR. INF 368, Room 432, at 4:30 pm. |
18.11.09 |
Thomas Wick, A Lecture on Blood Flow and the Heart IWR. INF 368, Room 432, at 4:30 pm. |
25.11.09 |
Leonard Wirsching, An introduction to online optimization IWR. INF 368, Room 432, at 4:30 pm. |
02.12.09 |
Dorotea Dudas, Vortex extraction with the eigenvector method and parallel vectors operator IWR. INF 368, Room 432, at 4:30 pm. |
09.12.09 |
Andreas Potschka, An introduction to bi-objective optimization IWR. INF 368, Room 432, at 4:30 pm. |
16.12.09 |
Winnifried Wollner, IWR. INF 368, Room 432, at 4:30 pm. |
13.01.10 |
Doerte Beigel, Reverse IND in view of solving the adjoint variational differential equation IWR. INF 368, Room 432, at 4:30 pm. |
20.01.10 |
Axel Lode, Tunneling Dynamics in Open Ultracold Bosonic Systems IWR. INF 368, Room 432, at 4:30 pm. |
27.01.10 |
Jan Krieger, Selective Plane Illumination Microscopy IWR. INF 368, Room 432, at 4:30 pm. |
03.02.10 |
Stefan Knauf, Numerical Simulations for Ball Bearings IWR. INF 368, Room 432, at 4:30 pm. |
Full list of talks given at the IGK seminar.