Workshops organized by IGK Sommersemester 2009
Date |
Type |
Organizers & Topic |
weekly |
seminar |
H.G. Bock Graduates Seminar |
Tue. 14-16h |
lecture |
Dahlhaus, Schnörr Graphische Modelle Information, INF 295, AM HS 134 |
Thur. 10ct-12h |
lecture |
H. Meyer Modern methods of time-dependent quantum dynamics, INF 229 SR 108/110 |
15.04.09, 9h |
compact course |
P. Comba, B. Martin Molekulares Modellieren, SR 118 |
13.-17.07.09 |
compact course |
B. Jähne Image Sensors 10:00-17:00, Speyererstr. 4/SR HCI |
30.03.-04.04.09 |
compact course |
S. Sager Optimization with Differential Equations Mo,Di,Mi vormittags; Do, Fr ganztags |
14.-16.07.09 |
compact course |
T. Lorenz, M. Winckler Theory and Numerics of Ordenary Differential Equations OMZ R. U011 and U013 |
15.-19.06.09 |
block lecture |
Dr. Rossovsky Introduction to Differential Equations with Deviating Arguments tba |
29.06.-02.06.09 |
compact course |
Dr. Leidig Project Management for Doctoral Projects tba |
15.07.-17.07.09 |
workshop |
Prof. Bock, Prof. Rannacher et al Modellgestützte Parameterschätzung: Theorie und Anwendungen tba |
20.07.-24.07.09 |
compact course |
Dr. Sager Optimization with Differential Equations tba |
11.-22.05.09 |
workshop |
Thomas Richter Solving PDE's with Gascoigne INF 293 |
tba |
seminar |
Paech, Sager, Ludwig, Bastian Software Engineering in Scientific Computing tba |
tba |
seminar |
G. Reinelt, M. Speth Practical Computer Science (Advanced) tba |
tba |
seminar |
H. Bock, A. Potschka Software Practical (Advanced) Termin und Ort nach Vereinbarung; Information |
Tue. 16h |
seminar |
P. Richter Solving PDE with CASCOIGNE INF 293, SR 215 |
tba |
colloquium |
B. Jähne HCL Colloquium tba |
Thur. 17ct-18.45h |
colloquium |
Dozenten der Fakultät Colloquium HGS MathComp tba |
tba |
workshop |
D. Heermann Multiscale Methods and Modelling in Biophysics and Systems Biology Jiao Tong University Shanghai |
Wintersemester 2008
Date |
Type |
Organizers & Topic |
weekly |
seminar |
H.G. Bock Graduates Seminar |
WS 2008 |
block lecture |
Bildfolgenanalyse 08:00-20:00, 02.-06.02.09 B. Jähne HCL Speyererstr. 4 |
WS 2008 |
lecture |
Effiziente Algorithmen Mo und Mi, 09:00-11:00 G. Reinelt INF 350 OMZ, RU014 |
WS 2008 |
lecture |
Monte Carlo Methods Di, 14:15-16:00 D. Heermann INF 227, HS 2 |
WS 2008 |
lecture |
Monte Carlo Methods Di, 14:15-16:00 D. Heermann INF 227, HS 2 |
5-12 December 2008 |
compact course |
Differentialesgleichungen in Biowissenschaften 14-17:30h (Depends on date) A. Marciniak-Czochra INF 294, room 214. |
WS 2008 |
lecture |
Theoretical Biophysics Mo and Mi, 09:15-11:00 D. Heermann INF 227, HS 2 |
WS 2008 |
lecture |
Zeitreihenanalyse Di and Do, 09:00-11:00 R. Dahlhaus INF 294, AM HS -104 |
WS 2008 |
seminar |
Evolutionsgleichungen and mathematische Modellierung Mi, 13:00-14:30 A. Stevens INF 294, AM HS 134 |
WS 2008 |
course |
HCL Kolloquium Di, 16:00-18:00 Jähne, Hamprecht, Schnörr INF 294, AM HS 134 |
WS 2008 |
seminar |
Kombinatorische Optimierung Do,14:00-16:00 G. Reinelt INF 350 OMZ RU013 |
WS 2008 |
seminar |
Mathematics in the Sciences Do,14:00-16:00 A. Stevens INF 294 AM HS 134 |
WS 2008 |
lab |
Software-Practical Course Numerics - advanced level discussion: 07.10.08, 04:15pm, INF 293 SF 215 Rannacher, Richter, Wollner tba |
WS 2008 |
course |
Solving Ordinary Differential Equations with ODESIM tba M. Winckler tba |
12 2008 |
workshop |
Fall Workshop on data-driven modelling and optimization tba M. Niezgodka, A. Trykozko, H.G. Bock ICM, Warsaw |
September 2008 |
workshop |
Methods of Molecular Simulations J. Langowski, P. Imhof, J. Prinz tba |
WS 2008 |
addendum |
English Proficiency tba tba |
WS 2008 |
addendum |
Präsentation von Forschungsergebnissen tba tba |
WS 2008 |
addendum |
Projektmanagement für die Promotion tba tba |
Sommersemester 2008
Date |
Type |
Organizers & Topic |
weekly |
seminar |
H.G. Bock Graduates Seminar |
SS 2008 |
seminar |
Kombinatorische Optimierung Thursdays 2-4 pm G. Reinelt, M. Oswald IWR, Room 432 |
SS 2008 |
special lecture |
Numerische Methoden der Strömungsmechanik Wednesdays 11-13, Fridays 9-11 R. Rannacher SR 215, INF 293 (URZ) |
7th-18th April 2008 |
compact course |
Kombinatorik G. Reinelt, Theis IWR |
7th-11th April 2008 |
compact course |
Introduction into GASCOIGNE daily 2-6 PM R. Rannacher, M. Schmich, W. Wollner INF 293(URZ), INF 294(IAM) |
16th and 17th April 2008 |
compact course |
Presentation Skills and Interview Techniques IWR |
21th-25th July 2008 |
conference |
Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes H.G. Bock, R. Rannacher t.b.a. |
t.b.a. |
compact course |
Modeling and Analysis of Multi-Scale Problems W. Jäger, M. Neuss-Radu t.b.a. |
t.b.a. |
practicle course |
Exercises in Simulation of Reactive Two-Phase-Flows E. Gutheil t.b.a. |
t.b.a. |
workshop |
Spring Workshop in Warsaw M. Niezgodka, A. Trykozko, H.G. Bock ICM, Warsaw |
Wintersemester 2007/2008
Date |
Type |
Organizers & Topic |
weekly |
seminar |
H.G. Bock Graduates Seminar |
8th-12th October 2007 |
compact course |
Software-Practical Course (advanced level) Introduction into GASCOIGNE R. Rannacher, Th. Dunne, D. Meidner INF 294 CIP 9-16h |
From 17th October 2007 |
practical |
Software-Practical Course Computergraphics (beginners and advanced level) Software-Practical Course Optimization Software-Practical Course Robotics S. Krömker, M. Winckler IWR R432 |
February 2008 |
short course |
Mixed-Integer Programming G. Reinelt, M. Oswald |
12th-14th November 2007 |
conference |
Scientific Computing and the Cultural Heritage H.G. Bock, W. Jäger, M. Winckler Akademie der Wissenschaften |
25th January 2008 |
short course |
Mathematical modeling of living cells J. Fuhrmann, Ch. Fritsch INF 267, Room 042 |
15th-17th October 2007 |
short course |
Software Programme Deal II Introduction and Application R. Rannacher, H. Hesse, B. Janssen INF 294 CIP |
3rd-4th March 2008 |
short course |
Parallel Computing P. Bastian, C. Ellsässer, D. Buchholz OMZ, INF 350, Room 014 |
Sommersemester 2007
Date |
Type |
Organizers & Topic |
weekly |
seminar |
H.G. Bock Graduates Seminar |
10th-13th May |
workshop |
Spring workshop, ICM Warsaw, Poland M. Niezgodka, A. Trykozko |
17th-19th May |
conference |
Visualisation and Image Processing, ICM Warsaw, Poland M. Niezgodka, K. Nowinski, B. Borucki |
26-27 June |
workshop |
Visualization in Natural Sciences and humanities H.G. Bock, J. Schlöder, M. Winckler IWR |
17th-21th September 2007 |
conference |
Conference on Optimization Heidelberg M. Diehl, K. Mombaur IWR |
Fr. 9.15-10.45 |
lecture |
Simulation of Reactive Two-Phase Flows E. Gutheil INF 294 Room 214 |
tutorial |
Simulation of Reactive Two-Phase Flows E. Gutheil (date by arranegement) place t.b.a. |
Th. 14.15-16.00 |
lecture |
Modern Methods of Molecular Quantum Dynamics H.D. Meyer INF 229 Room 110 |
Th. 14.00-16.00 |
lecture |
Mixed Integer Programming G. Reinelt, M. Oswald INF 350 Room U013 |
Tu. 11.00-13.00 |
tutorial |
Mixed Integer Programming G. Reinelt, M. Oswald INF 350 CIP-Pool |
We.16.00-18.00 |
lecture |
Evolution equations with applications in bioscience A. Marciniak-Czochra INF 294, IAM |
t.b.a. |
seminar |
Turbulence Modelling (date by arrangement), enrollment until April 18, 2007 E. Gutheil place t.b.a. |
t.b.a. |
seminar |
Numerical Analysis Reading Club (date by arrangement) J. Albersmeyer, C. Ellsässer place t.b.a. |
t.b.a. |
seminar |
Optimization M. Oswald, H. Seitz INF 350 Room U013 |
10-13 April 9.00-12.00 and 14.00-17.00 |
compact course |
Software-Practices (GASCOIGNE and RoDoBo - Advanced level S. Bönisch, D. Meidner INF 293 and INF 294 |
December |
colloquium |
Annual Colloquium, Heidelberg |
Wintersemester 2006/2007
Date |
Type |
Organizers & Topic |
weekly |
seminar |
H.G. Bock Graduates Seminar |
18./19.01.2007 |
workshop |
From the structure of brain neuronal networks to network activity |
1/2.12.2006 |
colloquium |
Annual Colloquium at Schmitthennerhaus, Heiliggeiststr. 17, Heidelberg |
24/25.11.2006 |
workshop |
Charles University Prague, Czech Republic, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Prof. Dr. Miloslav Feistauer |
25/26.10.2006 |
workshop |
Dynamic developments over complex networks M. Niezgodka, A. Trykozko, M. Cytowski ICM, Warsaw information |
Wed. 4-6pm 2SWS |
lecture |
Reaction-diffusion equations with applications in biosciences A. Marciniak-Czochra{\n |
19.10.2006 9am-12am, OMZ R014 |
seminar |
Stochastic Processes and Optimization O. Slaby, M. Kuhn (University of Mannheim) |
Thu. 11am-1pm 2 SWS |
lecture |
Multiscale systems and applications M. Neuss-Radu{\n |
Tue. 3-5pm |
lecture |
Simulation of Combustion Processes J. Warnatz IWR |
t.b.a. |
practical course |
Practices to Simulation of Combustion Processes J. Warnatz IWR |
Wed. 15.00-16.30 |
seminar |
J. Albersmeyer, C. Ellsässer Classic Papers in Numerical Analysis OMZ, INF 350, R 013 |
Wed. 13.15 - 14.45 |
seminar |
Special Problems of Reactive Flows J. Warnatz IWR |
Tue. 11am-1pm Wed. 11-12am |
lecture |
Quantum Chemistry L. Cederbaum INF 229, room 628 |
Fr. 9-11am |
lecture |
Numerical Methods in Continuum Mechanics R. Rannacher INF 293 (URZ) Room 215 |
Fr. 2-4 pm |
seminar |
Mathematical and physical aspects in Bionics Elfriede Friedmann, IWR |
Sommersemester 2006
Date |
Type |
Organizers & Topic |
weekly |
seminar |
H.G. Bock Graduates Seminar |
Fr. 9-11, starting May 5th |
lecture |
E. Gutheil Modelling of Spray Combustion, INF 294, R 214 |
Wed. 11-13, Fr. 9-11 |
lecture |
R. Rannacher Numerical Analysis 2 (Numerics of Partial Differential Equations), INF 288, R 2 |
Tue. 16-18 |
lecture |
G. Kanschat Numerical Methods in Electro-Dynamics, INF 293, R 215 |
Tue. 9-11 Thu. 9-11 |
lecture |
W. Jäger Fluid mechanics, AM,INF 294, R 134 |
Wed. 9-11 |
lecture |
D. Lebiedz Introduction to Cellular Biochemistry: focused on modeling tasks, IWR, R 432 |
Tue. 10-12 Wed. 10-11 |
lecture |
H.D. Meyer Quantum Chemistry I, INF 229, R 628 |
Tue. 14-16 |
seminar |
W. Jäger, M. Neuss-Radu Analytical methods for mathematical modelling, INF 294, R 214 |
Thu. 18.05.2006 |
short course |
Moritz Diehl, Peter Kühl Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (and Moving Horizon Estimation) Program 9am, IWR INF 368, Room 432 |
Wed. 14-16 starting 14.06.2006 |
seminar |
J. Albersmeyer, C. Ellsässer Classic Papers in Numerical Analysis Program OMZ, INF 350, R 013 |
22./23.6.06 |
short course |
M. Diehl, E. Kostina, J. Schlöder Parameter Estimation and Optimum Experimental Design R. 432, INF 368 Contents and schedule of the short course. |
10./11.07.2006 |
short course |
F. Matthäus, D. Lebiedz, F. Noe Structure and Dynamics of Biochemical Networks Program and additional information available here |
31.07.-04.08. |
short course |
R. Rannacher, S. Bönisch, D. Meidner Solving PDEs with the Finite Element Library GASCOIGNE, |
31.07-04.08.06 |
compact seminar |
Methoden zur Analyse von Netzwerken undMehrskalensystemen, W. Jäger, M. Neuss-Radu Fehrenbacher Hof, Hofstetten, Schwarzwald more information |
20.-22.09.2006 |
workshop |
MMS06: Methods of Molecular Simulation 2006 Frank Noe, Petra Imhof, Karine Voltz and Dieter Krachtus R. 423, IWR INF 368, Heidelberg more MMS06: Methods of Molecular Simulation 2006 |
Wintersemester 2005/2006
Date |
Organizers & Topic |
6.-10.03.2006 |
Hans-Georg Bock INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HIGH PERFORMANCE SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes Hanoi, Vietnam Flyer |
15./16.02.2006 |
Katja Mombaur, Hans-Georg Bock Short course on humanoid robots (in German) Program |
16.-27.01.2006 |
Boris Vexler Compact course: Optimization with PDEs: Theory, Numerical Methods and Applications |
WS 05/06 |
K. Nowinski, (ICM), S. Krömker (IWR), Scientific Visualization and Computer Graphics, ICM, Warsaw |
2./3.12.2005 |
IGK Annual Colloquium, Heidelberg program some pictures ( IGK-Warsaw page) |
17.-19.11.2005 |
M. Niezgodka (ICM), A. Trykozko (ICM), H.G. Bock 5th Fall Workshop in cooperation with ICM, Poland |
31.10.-11.11.2005 |
Guido Kanschat Compact course: Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations |
19.-21.10.2005 |
A. Marciniak-Czochra, D. Hartmann, M. Ptashnyk Mathematical Techniques for Multiscale-Analysis, IAM INF 294, R. 214 |
10.-11.10.2005 |
E. Gutheil, J. Gorecki (ICM) Understanding and Control of Complex Chemical Processes, Programme IWR, R. 432, Heidelberg |
Sommersemester 2005
Date |
Organizers & Topic |
28.-30.09.2005 |
01.08.2005 |
IGK, Moritz Diehl, Peter Kühl NMPC workshop INF 368, R. 432, 9:00 - 17:00 |
29./30.07.2005 |
IGK, Anja Schmitz, Petra Eggensperger Workshop on Presentation Skills INF 368, R. 220 |
25.-27.07.2005 |
Petra Imhof, Frank Noe and Dieter Krachtus MMS05: Methods of Molecular Simulation 2005 |
06.-08.07.2005 |
Peter Bastian Parallel Computing, Programme CIP-Pool, OMZ, INF 350 |
14.-17.04.2005 |
Moritz Diehl, Peter Kühl, Leon Gradon, Hans-Georg Bock Modelling, Simulation and Control in Chemical Engineering |
Wintersemester 2004/2005
Sommersemester 2004
Wintersemester 2003/2004
Date |
Organizers & Topic |
16.10.-18.10.2003 |
Frank Noe, Ileana Borja Tecuatl Workshop in Molecular Modeling |
26.11.-28.11.2003 |
Somporn Chuai-Aree, Jens Prager, Susanne Krömker Workshop on Computer Graphics and Visualization |
03.12.-05.12.2003 |
ICM, Warsaw University 3rd FALL WORKSHOP Complex processes: modelling, simulation and optimisation |
12.12.2003 |
Pau Montes Tutorial on Computed Tomography |
15.01-16.01.2004 |
Katja Mombaur, Ulrich Brandt-Pollmann Nonlinear Parameter Estimation and Optimum Experimental Design |
24.03.-26.03.2004 |
Lukasz Walewski, Marta Hallay-Suszek, Zuzanna Szymanska Workshop on Shocks and irreversible developments in biological systems Apoptosis and heat-shock proteins, Warsaw, Poland |
Sommersemester 2003
Sommersemester 2002 and Wintersemester 2002/2003
Date |
Organizers & Topic |
24.04-27.04.2002 |
Prof. Willi Jäger, Elfriede Friedmann International Spring School in Multiscale Problems |
18.10-20.10.2002 |
Anna Trykozko, ICM, Warsaw 2nd FALL WORKSHOP, Complex processes: modelling, simulation and optimisation (in Bedlewo near Poznan, Poland) |
25.10-26.10.2002 |
Ulrich Brandt-Pollmann, Moritz Diehl, Christian Kraus, Sebastian Sager Optimization Course of the Graduiertenkolleg |
5.11-7.11.2002 |
Prof. Hans Georg Bock, Hoang Duc Minh, Frank Otto Introduction to Parallel Computing Workshop |
17.01-18.01.2003 |
Boris Vexler, Jens Eberhard Efficient Numerical Methods for Problems Involving Partial Differential Equations |
13.02-15.02.2003 |
Franziska Matthäus & Ileana B. Tecuatl Abstract Complex Processes - Approaches to Modelling in Science |