The International Graduiertenkolleg IGK 710 "Complex processes: Modeling, Simulation and Optimization"
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study program     

Prof. Dr. Dr.h.c. H.G. Bock
Graduiertenkolleg at IWR
University of Heidelberg
INF 368 Room 406
69120 Heidelberg
Phone: +49-6221/54-4944
Fax: +49-6221/54-8810

Workshops organized by IGK

Sommersemester 2009

Date Type Organizers & Topic
weekly seminar H.G. Bock
Graduates Seminar
Tue. 14-16h lecture Dahlhaus, Schnörr
Graphische Modelle
Information, INF 295, AM HS 134
Thur. 10ct-12h lecture H. Meyer
Modern methods of time-dependent quantum dynamics,
INF 229 SR 108/110
15.04.09, 9h compact course P. Comba, B. Martin
Molekulares Modellieren,
SR 118
13.-17.07.09 compact course B. Jähne
Image Sensors
10:00-17:00, Speyererstr. 4/SR HCI
30.03.-04.04.09 compact course S. Sager
Optimization with Differential Equations
Mo,Di,Mi vormittags; Do, Fr ganztags
14.-16.07.09 compact course T. Lorenz, M. Winckler
Theory and Numerics of Ordenary Differential Equations
OMZ R. U011 and U013
15.-19.06.09 block lecture Dr. Rossovsky
Introduction to Differential Equations with Deviating Arguments
29.06.-02.06.09 compact course Dr. Leidig
Project Management for Doctoral Projects
15.07.-17.07.09 workshop Prof. Bock, Prof. Rannacher et al
Modellgestützte Parameterschätzung: Theorie und Anwendungen
20.07.-24.07.09 compact course Dr. Sager
Optimization with Differential Equations
11.-22.05.09 workshop Thomas Richter
Solving PDE's with Gascoigne
INF 293
tba seminar Paech, Sager, Ludwig, Bastian
Software Engineering in Scientific Computing
tba seminar G. Reinelt, M. Speth
Practical Computer Science (Advanced)
tba seminar H. Bock, A. Potschka
Software Practical (Advanced)
Termin und Ort nach Vereinbarung; Information
Tue. 16h seminar P. Richter
Solving PDE with CASCOIGNE
INF 293, SR 215
tba colloquium B. Jähne
HCL Colloquium
Thur. 17ct-18.45h colloquium Dozenten der Fakultät
Colloquium HGS MathComp
tba workshop D. Heermann
Multiscale Methods and Modelling in Biophysics and Systems Biology
Jiao Tong University Shanghai

Wintersemester 2008

Date Type Organizers & Topic
weekly seminar H.G. Bock
Graduates Seminar
WS 2008 block lecture Bildfolgenanalyse
08:00-20:00, 02.-06.02.09
B. Jähne
HCL Speyererstr. 4
WS 2008 lecture Effiziente Algorithmen
Mo und Mi, 09:00-11:00
G. Reinelt
INF 350 OMZ, RU014
WS 2008 lecture Monte Carlo Methods
Di, 14:15-16:00
D. Heermann
INF 227, HS 2
WS 2008 lecture Monte Carlo Methods
Di, 14:15-16:00
D. Heermann
INF 227, HS 2
5-12 December 2008 compact course Differentialesgleichungen in Biowissenschaften
14-17:30h (Depends on date)
A. Marciniak-Czochra
INF 294, room 214.
WS 2008 lecture Theoretical Biophysics
Mo and Mi, 09:15-11:00
D. Heermann
INF 227, HS 2
WS 2008 lecture Zeitreihenanalyse
Di and Do, 09:00-11:00
R. Dahlhaus
INF 294, AM HS -104
WS 2008 seminar Evolutionsgleichungen and mathematische Modellierung
Mi, 13:00-14:30
A. Stevens
INF 294, AM HS 134
WS 2008 course HCL Kolloquium
Di, 16:00-18:00
Jähne, Hamprecht, Schnörr
INF 294, AM HS 134
WS 2008 seminar Kombinatorische Optimierung
G. Reinelt
INF 350 OMZ RU013
WS 2008 seminar Mathematics in the Sciences
A. Stevens
INF 294 AM HS 134
WS 2008 lab Software-Practical Course Numerics - advanced level
discussion: 07.10.08, 04:15pm, INF 293 SF 215
Rannacher, Richter, Wollner
WS 2008 course Solving Ordinary Differential Equations with ODESIM
M. Winckler
12 2008 workshop Fall Workshop on data-driven modelling and optimization
M. Niezgodka, A. Trykozko, H.G. Bock
ICM, Warsaw
September 2008 workshop Methods of Molecular Simulations
J. Langowski, P. Imhof, J. Prinz
WS 2008 addendum English Proficiency
WS 2008 addendum Präsentation von Forschungsergebnissen
WS 2008 addendum Projektmanagement für die Promotion

Sommersemester 2008

Date Type Organizers & Topic
weekly seminar H.G. Bock
Graduates Seminar
SS 2008 seminar Kombinatorische Optimierung
Thursdays 2-4 pm
G. Reinelt, M. Oswald
IWR, Room 432
SS 2008 special lecture Numerische Methoden der Strömungsmechanik
Wednesdays 11-13, Fridays 9-11
R. Rannacher
SR 215, INF 293 (URZ)
7th-18th April 2008 compact course Kombinatorik
G. Reinelt, Theis
7th-11th April 2008 compact course Introduction into GASCOIGNE
daily 2-6 PM
R. Rannacher, M. Schmich, W. Wollner
INF 293(URZ), INF 294(IAM)
16th and 17th April 2008 compact course Presentation Skills and Interview Techniques
21th-25th July 2008 conference Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes
H.G. Bock, R. Rannacher
t.b.a. compact course Modeling and Analysis of Multi-Scale Problems
W. Jäger, M. Neuss-Radu
t.b.a. practicle course Exercises in Simulation of Reactive
E. Gutheil
t.b.a. workshop Spring Workshop in Warsaw
M. Niezgodka, A. Trykozko, H.G. Bock
ICM, Warsaw

Wintersemester 2007/2008

Date Type Organizers & Topic
weekly seminar H.G. Bock
Graduates Seminar
8th-12th October 2007 compact course Software-Practical Course (advanced level)
Introduction into GASCOIGNE
R. Rannacher, Th. Dunne, D. Meidner
INF 294 CIP 9-16h
From 17th October 2007 practical Software-Practical Course Computergraphics
(beginners and advanced level)
Software-Practical Course Optimization
Software-Practical Course Robotics
S. Krömker, M. Winckler
IWR R432
February 2008 short course Mixed-Integer Programming
G. Reinelt, M. Oswald
12th-14th November 2007 conference Scientific Computing and the Cultural Heritage
H.G. Bock, W. Jäger, M. Winckler
Akademie der Wissenschaften
25th January 2008 short course Mathematical modeling of living cells
J. Fuhrmann, Ch. Fritsch
INF 267, Room 042
15th-17th October 2007 short course Software Programme Deal II
Introduction and Application
R. Rannacher, H. Hesse, B. Janssen
3rd-4th March 2008 short course Parallel Computing
P. Bastian, C. Ellsässer, D. Buchholz
OMZ, INF 350, Room 014

Sommersemester 2007

Date Type Organizers & Topic
weekly seminar H.G. Bock
Graduates Seminar
10th-13th May workshop Spring workshop, ICM Warsaw, Poland
M. Niezgodka, A. Trykozko
17th-19th May conference Visualisation and Image Processing, ICM Warsaw, Poland
M. Niezgodka, K. Nowinski, B. Borucki
26-27 June workshop Visualization in Natural Sciences and humanities
H.G. Bock, J. Schlöder, M. Winckler
17th-21th September 2007 conference Conference on Optimization Heidelberg
M. Diehl, K. Mombaur
Fr. 9.15-10.45 lecture Simulation of Reactive Two-Phase Flows
E. Gutheil
INF 294 Room 214
tutorial Simulation of Reactive Two-Phase Flows
E. Gutheil (date by arranegement)
place t.b.a.
Th. 14.15-16.00 lecture Modern Methods of Molecular Quantum Dynamics
H.D. Meyer
INF 229 Room 110
Th. 14.00-16.00 lecture Mixed Integer Programming
G. Reinelt, M. Oswald
INF 350 Room U013
Tu. 11.00-13.00 tutorial Mixed Integer Programming
G. Reinelt, M. Oswald
INF 350 CIP-Pool
We.16.00-18.00 lecture Evolution equations with applications in bioscience
A. Marciniak-Czochra
INF 294, IAM
t.b.a. seminar Turbulence Modelling (date by arrangement),
enrollment until April 18, 2007
E. Gutheil
place t.b.a.
t.b.a. seminar Numerical Analysis Reading Club (date by arrangement)
J. Albersmeyer, C. Ellsässer
place t.b.a.
t.b.a. seminar Optimization
M. Oswald, H. Seitz
INF 350 Room U013
10-13 April
9.00-12.00 and 14.00-17.00
compact course Software-Practices (GASCOIGNE and RoDoBo - Advanced level
S. Bönisch, D. Meidner
INF 293 and INF 294
December colloquium Annual Colloquium, Heidelberg

Wintersemester 2006/2007

Date Type Organizers & Topic
weekly seminar H.G. Bock
Graduates Seminar
18./19.01.2007 workshop From the structure of brain neuronal networks to network activity
1/2.12.2006 colloquium Annual Colloquium at Schmitthennerhaus, Heiliggeiststr. 17, Heidelberg
24/25.11.2006 workshop Charles University Prague, Czech Republic, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics,
Prof. Dr. Miloslav Feistauer
25/26.10.2006 workshop Dynamic developments over complex networks
M. Niezgodka, A. Trykozko, M. Cytowski
ICM, Warsaw
Wed. 4-6pm
lecture Reaction-diffusion equations with applications in biosciences
A. Marciniak-Czochra{\n
9am-12am, OMZ R014
seminar Stochastic Processes and Optimization
O. Slaby, M. Kuhn (University of Mannheim)
Thu. 11am-1pm
lecture Multiscale systems and applications
M. Neuss-Radu{\n
Tue. 3-5pm lecture Simulation of Combustion Processes
J. Warnatz
t.b.a. practical course Practices to Simulation of Combustion Processes
J. Warnatz
Wed. 15.00-16.30
seminar J. Albersmeyer, C. Ellsässer
Classic Papers in Numerical Analysis
OMZ, INF 350, R 013
Wed. 13.15 - 14.45 seminar Special Problems of Reactive Flows
J. Warnatz
Tue. 11am-1pm
Wed. 11-12am
lecture Quantum Chemistry
L. Cederbaum
INF 229, room 628
Fr. 9-11am lecture Numerical Methods in Continuum Mechanics
R. Rannacher
INF 293 (URZ) Room 215
Fr. 2-4 pm seminar Mathematical and physical aspects in Bionics
Elfriede Friedmann,

Sommersemester 2006

Date Type Organizers & Topic
weekly seminar H.G. Bock
Graduates Seminar
Fr. 9-11,
starting May 5th
lecture E. Gutheil
Modelling of Spray Combustion, INF 294, R 214
Wed. 11-13,
Fr. 9-11
lecture R. Rannacher
Numerical Analysis 2 (Numerics of Partial Differential Equations),
INF 288, R 2
Tue. 16-18 lecture G. Kanschat
Numerical Methods in Electro-Dynamics,
INF 293, R 215
Tue. 9-11
Thu. 9-11
lecture W. Jäger
Fluid mechanics,
AM,INF 294, R 134
Wed. 9-11 lecture D. Lebiedz
Introduction to Cellular Biochemistry: focused on modeling tasks,
IWR, R 432
Tue. 10-12
Wed. 10-11
lecture H.D. Meyer
Quantum Chemistry I,
INF 229, R 628
Tue. 14-16 seminar W. Jäger, M. Neuss-Radu
Analytical methods for mathematical modelling,
INF 294, R 214
Thu. 18.05.2006 short course Moritz Diehl, Peter Kühl
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (and Moving Horizon Estimation) Program
9am, IWR INF 368, Room 432
Wed. 14-16
starting 14.06.2006
seminar J. Albersmeyer, C. Ellsässer
Classic Papers in Numerical Analysis Program
OMZ, INF 350, R 013
22./23.6.06 short course M. Diehl, E. Kostina, J. Schlöder
Parameter Estimation and Optimum Experimental Design
R. 432, INF 368
Contents and schedule of the short course.
10./11.07.2006 short course F. Matthäus, D. Lebiedz, F. Noe
Structure and Dynamics of Biochemical Networks
Program and additional information available here
31.07.-04.08. short course R. Rannacher, S. Bönisch, D. Meidner
Solving PDEs with the Finite Element Library GASCOIGNE,
31.07-04.08.06 compact seminar Methoden zur Analyse von Netzwerken undMehrskalensystemen,
W. Jäger, M. Neuss-Radu
Fehrenbacher Hof, Hofstetten, Schwarzwald
more information
20.-22.09.2006 workshop MMS06: Methods of Molecular Simulation 2006
Frank Noe, Petra Imhof, Karine Voltz and Dieter Krachtus
R. 423, IWR INF 368, Heidelberg
more MMS06: Methods of Molecular Simulation 2006

Wintersemester 2005/2006

Date Organizers & Topic
6.-10.03.2006 Hans-Georg Bock
Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes
Hanoi, Vietnam
15./16.02.2006 Katja Mombaur, Hans-Georg Bock
Short course on humanoid robots (in German)
16.-27.01.2006 Boris Vexler
Compact course: Optimization with PDEs: Theory, Numerical Methods and Applications
WS 05/06 K. Nowinski, (ICM), S. Krömker (IWR),
Scientific Visualization and Computer Graphics,
ICM, Warsaw
2./3.12.2005 IGK Annual Colloquium, Heidelberg program some pictures ( IGK-Warsaw page)
17.-19.11.2005 M. Niezgodka (ICM), A. Trykozko (ICM), H.G. Bock
5th Fall Workshop in cooperation with ICM,
31.10.-11.11.2005 Guido Kanschat
Compact course: Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
19.-21.10.2005 A. Marciniak-Czochra, D. Hartmann, M. Ptashnyk
Mathematical Techniques for Multiscale-Analysis,
IAM INF 294, R. 214
10.-11.10.2005 E. Gutheil, J. Gorecki (ICM)
Understanding and Control of Complex Chemical Processes, Programme
IWR, R. 432, Heidelberg

Sommersemester 2005

Date Organizers & Topic
28.-30.09.2005 Hans-Georg Bock, Ekaterina Kostina
01.08.2005 IGK, Moritz Diehl, Peter Kühl
NMPC workshop
INF 368, R. 432, 9:00 - 17:00
29./30.07.2005 IGK, Anja Schmitz, Petra Eggensperger
Workshop on Presentation Skills
INF 368, R. 220
25.-27.07.2005 Petra Imhof, Frank Noe and Dieter Krachtus
MMS05: Methods of Molecular Simulation 2005
06.-08.07.2005 Peter Bastian
Parallel Computing, Programme
CIP-Pool, OMZ, INF 350
14.-17.04.2005 Moritz Diehl, Peter Kühl, Leon Gradon, Hans-Georg Bock
Modelling, Simulation and Control in Chemical Engineering

Wintersemester 2004/2005

Date Organizers & Topic
16.-18.02.2005 Gerhard Reinelt, Marcus Oswald, Sebastian Sager
Introduction to mixed-integer programming
27.01.-29.01.2005 Malte Braack, Rolf Rannacher
Computational Methods for Multidimensional Flows
17.01.-28.01.2005 Dirk Lebiedz, Malte Braack
Winterschool on "Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes"
07.10.-08.10.2004 Ulrich Brandt-Pollmann, Moritz Diehl, Katja Mombaur, Sebastian Sager

Sommersemester 2004

Date Organizers & Topic
24.05-26.05.2004 Severine Lacharme
Workshop on Homogenization
27.05-28.05.2004 Elfriede Friedmann, Frank Strauss
Optimal Design - Theory and Industrial Applications
30.06-02.07.2004 H.G.Bock, E.Kostina, S.Körkel, J.P.Schlöder
Parameter Estimation and Optimum Experimental Design (PARAOPE)
05.07-08.07.2004 Igor Doktorski, Dirk Hartmann
Mathematical Cell Biology
26.07-30.07.2004 Prof.Dr.K.Roth and PD Dr.H.-J.Vogel
6th Summerschool of Environmental Physics - Part A: Soil Physics - Zugspitze

Wintersemester 2003/2004

Date Organizers & Topic
16.10.-18.10.2003 Frank Noe, Ileana Borja Tecuatl
Workshop in Molecular Modeling
26.11.-28.11.2003 Somporn Chuai-Aree, Jens Prager, Susanne Krömker
Workshop on Computer Graphics and Visualization
03.12.-05.12.2003 ICM, Warsaw University
3rd FALL WORKSHOP Complex processes: modelling, simulation and optimisation
12.12.2003 Pau Montes
Tutorial on Computed Tomography
15.01-16.01.2004 Katja Mombaur, Ulrich Brandt-Pollmann
Nonlinear Parameter Estimation and Optimum Experimental Design
24.03.-26.03.2004 Lukasz Walewski, Marta Hallay-Suszek, Zuzanna Szymanska
Workshop on Shocks and irreversible developments in biological systems Apoptosis and heat-shock proteins, Warsaw, Poland

Sommersemester 2003

Date Organizers & Topic
13.06-14.06.2003 Ulrich Brandt-Pollmann
Constructive Debating
12.,20.,26.,27. and30.06.2003 Prof. Willi Jäger, Prof. Hans Georg Bock, Somporn Chuai-Aree, Ria Lynott
Free and Moving Boundary Models for Root Growth, Nutrient Uptake and other Applications

Sommersemester 2002 and Wintersemester 2002/2003

Date Organizers & Topic
24.04-27.04.2002 Prof. Willi Jäger, Elfriede Friedmann
International Spring School in Multiscale Problems
18.10-20.10.2002 Anna Trykozko, ICM, Warsaw
2nd FALL WORKSHOP, Complex processes: modelling, simulation and optimisation (in Bedlewo near Poznan, Poland)
25.10-26.10.2002 Ulrich Brandt-Pollmann, Moritz Diehl, Christian Kraus, Sebastian Sager
Optimization Course of the Graduiertenkolleg
5.11-7.11.2002 Prof. Hans Georg Bock, Hoang Duc Minh, Frank Otto
Introduction to Parallel Computing Workshop
17.01-18.01.2003 Boris Vexler, Jens Eberhard
Efficient Numerical Methods for Problems Involving Partial Differential Equations
13.02-15.02.2003 Franziska Matthäus & Ileana B. Tecuatl
Complex Processes - Approaches to Modelling in Science

Last modified: April 14 2008 14:37:27. by Igor Doktorski